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+9.600 neumáticos diferentes; +500.000 productos disponibles!!!!.



They are tires whose size or roll is different from that of the other four wheels. On several occasions, they are considered ruedines, because many of these have a notoriously smaller width, compared to the other covers. This has a negative impact on the ride of the vehicle and the user is also limited to traveling at no more than 80 km / h, or 120 km / h, in cases where the aid is not so small in relation to conventional ones.

In recent years, variants to solve a possible puncture in conventional tires were on the rise, but so far many of these can take the user of a certain vehicle, in a hurry, although they do not solve the problem.

Covers of different sizes, reinforced covers (run flat), or repair kits, are some examples of the different alternatives offered by several automakers when changing or sealing a flat tire. In any case, in all these cases, the results do not guarantee the end of the problem and the solution is only partial, because the user is limited to continue the journey of his vehicle.

On the other hand, it is not only a question of cost reduction by manufacturers, but also, many of the new models that are launched in Argentina and are produced in our region, are configured with some particularities of the European market or even American, where the vast majority of cars do not come with conventional help. Even so, the state of the routes in the old continent or North America is superior to that of the national roads, and the chances of having a certain contingency with a tire are lower. The other reason, is a matter of space in the design of the car, where it is not possible to include a traditional tire, since the worldwide trend is to place wider and lower profile tires, to give a more sporty look . This circumstance forces to have an extra space, very difficult to achieve in compact vehicles.

vs Jun 2021

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